Find out how routing of confirmation works.
If you are using eCM without an API integration to your service provider, you are using a third-party adapter to manage your confirmation process. The source system sends confirmation data to an "in" -folder, where the adapter grabs the document and pushes it to the service provider.
The service provider matches the document and returns a box result, which the adapter then pushes into your "out" -folder. Your source system then consumes this result. Currently, the service provider can only match with counterparties that also use the same service provider, leaving energy and commodities traders with multiple workflows.
GEN is a meta-platform that can reach the entire market, regardless of your counterparty's back-office process. With GEN, your source system pushes data to GEN, which automatically checks your counterparty's location.
If your counterparty is also a GEN user or non-eCM user, the routing workflow is not triggered. If your counterparty is using a third-party provider, GEN routes the confirmation to the adapter and consumes the box result with the matching status
With GEN, you have a centralized point to get an instant overview of your confirmation process, with a unified workflow regardless of the counterparty. Until confirmation interoperability is in place, GEN will route the document and you will not be charged for those confirmations. With GEN, you can keep your market reach from different providers while adding all GEN and non-eCM users. Additionally, you will have access to all of GEN's features that enable true automation