1. Fidectus Support Center
  2. Regulatory Reporting Hub - EMIR

Processing and Repository Statuses in EMIR

In EMIR we have 2 statuses which describe what happens to the document inside GEN, called  'Processing status' and the responses GEN receives from the outside ex.REGIS-TR, called 'Repository status'.

These 2 can be seen in the default view on the right side of the screen and can have different statuses described below. 



Processing status = GEN Processing Status

  • SUBMITTED = Repository Status = PROCESSING;

  • QUEUED = waiting for a response for the previously uploaded document with the same Transaction ID;

  • ERROR = applies in the following cases:

    • Repository Status = CORRUPTED;

    • Encountered a technical error;

  • FAILED = applies in the following cases:

    • Repository Status = REJECTED;

    • Timeout error: submitted document exceeded 2 days waiting time for a response from REGIS-TR;

    • Request fails due to technical reasons ex. connectivity error to REGIS-TR;


Repository status = status received from REGIS-TR

  • ACCEPTED = document is validated and it went through successfully;

  • CORRUPTED = something is wrong with the file content or technical wise ex. invalid xml.;

  • '-' = waiting for a response;