REGIS-TR credentials

Fidectus requires your REGIS-TR credentials to set up EMIR reporting for you. This step-by-step guide shows you how to obtain the credentials.

Fidectus will need your REGIS-TR credentials, to set-up the EMIR reporting for you. This step-by-step guide will inform you how to get the credentials.


1. Open: and login with your credentials.
If you do not have these credentials, please reach out to the REGIS-TR support.


2. Go to "Accounts". In the list, choose the relevant account (e.g. UAT (Test) or PRODUCTION) you want to create access credentials for.

3. Click on the three dots on the right-hand side and click "Modify Account".

Bild (1)

4. The "Modify Account" mask will get open. Enter the following Fidectus credentials for the environment you'll need.

 Select all checkboxes under "Profile Type/Status" where the roles will be applied.

Check "Connectivity option / API-REST".

Note: If the SFTP field is already selected, leave it enabled as it will be used for a different use case. For EMIR Reporting with Fidectus, simply activate the API-REST field.

Whitelist Fidectus' Iè adresses under "Range of IP Address" by entering each IP (see below) under "From" AND "To". if you need more lines in the table, please click "+ Add another range".

Staging Environment (For UAT/ Testing):

Productive Environment (For Production):

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4. Once you click "Modify account," the status will change to "Pending approval," meaning REGIS-TR needs to approve it. After REGIS-TR approves it, the status will update to "Active," and you'll be able to view the credentials.

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5. Once REGIS-TR approved the change, please login and download the credentails from the "Connectivity Details" -> "Connectivity option API REST".



Please send the credentials per environment to Fidectus customer success by creating a ticket. To set-up your account, we'd need the following details:

  • Account Code
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

Please use the customer SharePoint provided during the onboarding phase, or submit these highly confidential credentials via an encrypted document. Please do not send them by Email.