Release Notes 26-Aug-2024

Follow the latest updates about new features and system improvements dedicated to our Product Hubs.

I. Confirmation Hub

1. Highlighted unsuccessful validation in Confirmation

Unsuccessfull validations are being now highlighted for your convenience in Document details view. This applies to all documents in 'Unmatched' status and aims to show the matching differences. 


>> Click here to see the highlights for unsuccessful validations in Confirmation <<


2. 'Skip selection' in reconcile inbound PDF workflow in Confirmation

Now you can upload complex structures using custom payload together with your usual Confirmation document. These data fields will be captured and can be seen within the documents used in PDF Templates. 


>> Click here to see the 'Skip selection' steps in Confirmation <<


II. Settlement Hub

1. Highlighted unsuccessful validation in Settlement

Unsuccessfull validations are being now highlighted for your convenience in Document details view. This applies to all documents in 'Unmatched' status and aims to show the matching differences. 


>> Click here to see the highlights for unsuccessful validations in Settlement <<


III. Regulatory Reporting Hub

1. Receipt available as attachment on REMIT documents

You can now access receipts alongside each REMIT document, providing you with additional information related to your transactions.


>> Click here to find the receipt on each REMIT document <<


2. UTI Generation available in REMIT Wizard

We are introducing you the possibility to manually generate a UTI for your documents using the REMIT Wizard feature. 


>> Click here to see how the UTI generator works in REMIT Wizard <<


3. Business rule for UTI Generation in EMIR

EMIR uti generation is as simple as enabling a business rule, literally. Now you have a business rule that you can enable / disable to generate an EMIR UTI for your documents. 


>> Click here to enable the business rule for EMIR UTI Generator <<