Follow the latest updates about new features and system improvements dedicated to our Product Hubs.
I. General
1. Main audit trail improvement
The general audit trail has been improved with additional information found in columns such as category, document ID, type, date of event, event, executed by, counterparty, source and description. These can be filtered, sorted with saved views or exported to CSV. Now the user has a comprehensive view of what has happened cross-products and who initiated the actions, inlcuding the received or sent out emails that have been received or sent out by GEN system.
2. New user roles available
We have introduced 2 roles:
- 'User administration' which has the only right to manage other users. No other rights apply, not even viewing.
- 'Back office administration' which has all available rights, except managing users.
These 2 new roles offer better practicability while managing users or having access to transactional information.
II. Confirmation Hub
1. 'Switch to email' for routed documents
We have introduced a new feature called 'Switch to email', which offer the user the possibility of transitioning to email in case of routed documents only.
2. Cancellation reasoning for incoming documents
We have introduced a new feature called 'Cancellation reasons' which can be enabled or disabled from the company settings. Also, here the user can define the static reasons from which the other users within the company can select from when cancelling a document.
3. 'Latest message' in documents overview
We have introduced a 'latest message' column in documents overview. Now the user can sort after this column, while accessing a brief view of it's latest messages sent out or received.
III. Regulatory Reporting Hub
1. 'Full transaction' for REMIT and EMIR
'Full transaction' option from document details view will redirect the user to the raw data format of its file where all fields can be consulted directly. 'Full transaction' is available from the menu action and has the ability to show more or less while expanding the entire content of the raw file.
2. Notification enhancements for REMIT and EMIR
We have added 2 new types of notifications regarding 'Transaction error status' and 'Transaction processing status change' which can be enabled or disabled from the notification panel by each user. These will offer real-time feedback to the user, if their documents have been successfully processed and their status has been updated.